Logan Square

our Logan Square nursery school
3420 W. Fullerton Ave, Chicago, IL 60647
12 weeks – 5 years
7.30 am – 6:00pm
Join our mailing list! We are currently enrolling toddlers aged 15-24 months.
Nestled in the heart of Logan Square, our Logan Square nursery school features a cozy home-based feel and an innovative outdoor preschool classroom. From digging tunnels in our sand pit to “cooking” in our mud kitchen, our unique outdoor space presents opportunities for children to get fresh air in new and creative ways year-round. As a play based early childcare center, Stepping Stones’ indoor classrooms are designed to promote calm, inspire curiosity and spark creativity. Learn more about our philosophy.
Our Logan Square Nursery school is now accepting applications for full-day Pre-K. Please join our mailing list to find out about future openings in other age groups.